Game Design

3D Adventure

Boulder Cavern

Date October 2020
Client Personal
Game Engine Unreal Engine 4.25
Team Size 01


Boulder Cavern is an Adventure game made in Unreal Engine


Boulder Cavern is a 3D Adventure game where the narrative goes as follows; a group of trekkers were hiking on top of river mountains, and unfortunately one of the trekkers slips and falls into a cursed water cave; the trekker wakes up and notices being stuck inside an ancient armour (Linothorax); the player tries to get out of the suite, but fails; the player then tries to use the survival equipment to make their way through the cave, avoiding obstacles, until they reache the safe house, where they discovers a way to break the curse and retrieve the armour. The player then rejoins the trek team and returns to safety.



Designed and Developed by
Nitish Reddy Jaddu